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TNNSkyCam is LIVE! Cedar River at Cedar Rapids, Monitoring the Flood Threat.

Updated: Jun 1

You may have heard the "F" word being floated around the internet lately. No, not that one. The word I am talking about is FLOOD! Which is one of a handful of words you can say, and you will get people very nervous in these parts. Another good one is Derecho! We all know how that makes us feel.

Once again, the Cedar River is rising. Something we haven't really seen in this decade. It's been rather dry compared to normal years. But the rains seem to be back! Which is a good thing. We need it for crops, livestock, gardens and lawns to name a few. But, with the excess rain we may have in the forecast it could push the Cedar towards its banks. And that's something that will make local folks real nervous!

Here is the latest river level, as of 8:00am May 25, 2024

Here is the historical view of the river gauge at Cedar Rapids. 1 year in comparison.

Today's river level of 12+ feet is a far cry from our lowest point on this graph in November 2023 of just under 3 feet.

More local water data can be found HERE courtesy of USGS.

Once again, the TNNSkyCam is Live for the duration of the event. You can keep your eye on it and make your decisions with a little more information and perspective.

Here is the latest Live shot from the TNNSkyCam. The City of Cedar rapids Government has taken precaution for a flood level to 15 feet as per their posts indicate on their FaceBook page. Let's hope we don't reach that level and especially beyond.

You can watch 24/7 on this link throughout the event. Click ----> HERE

This site is supported by ads so we can continue to bring you the TNNSkyCam for free whenever something is captured inside the lens.

Huge thank you to Iowa Live Music for hosting!

Thank YOU for reading and watching!

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